
Functions to realize the value represented by a reduction over the
commit-history of a CDVCS.


(commit-history commit-graph commit)(commit-history commit-graph hist hist-set stack)
Returns the linear commit history for a CDVCS through depth-first
linearisation. Each commit occurs once, the first time it is found.


(commit-history-values S store graph commit & {:keys [to-ignore], :or {to-ignore #{}}})
Loads the values of the commits including transactions from store into memory (!).

Returns go block to synchronize.


(commit-value S store eval-fn graph commit)
Realizes the value of a commit of a CDVCS in store by an
application specific eval-fn (e.g. map from source/symbols to
fn.). Returns go block to synchronize. Caches old values and only
applies novelty.


(head-value S store eval-fn cdvcs)
Realizes the value of a staged CDVCS with help of store and an
application specific eval-fn (e.g. map from source/symbols to
fn.). Returns go block to synchronize.


(stream-into-identity! stage [u id] eval-fn ident & {:keys [applied-log reset-fn], :or {reset-fn reset!}})


(stream-loop S store pub-ch [u id] cdvcs applied-log eval-fn reset-fn ident)


(summarize-conflict S store eval-fn cdvcs-meta)
Summarizes a conflict situation between two heads in a Conflict
record. Returns go block to synchronize.